Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA)

The Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (‘OIA’) is an independent body set up to review student complaints. It is free to students, and deal with individual complaints against Higher Education Institutions in England and Wales.

When all internal procedures are complete, students may request an independent review of their case by the OIA, if they remain dissatisfied with the College’s final outcome. Provided the complaint is eligible under the rules of the OIA’s complaints scheme, the OIA will look at whether the College applied its regulations properly and followed its procedures correctly. It also considers whether any decision made by the College was fair and reasonable in all the circumstances.

Useful Links:

Pearson BTEC Level 4

Higher National Certificate in Business (RQF)

Pearson BTEC Level 5

Higher National Diploma in Business (Management) (RQF)

Pearson BTEC Level 7

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership (RQF)